Friday, June 8, 2012

Governor Scott Walker (R-WI) Survives Recall

For the brain dead this recall election was actually more important than the Presidential election coming up in November. I know for a fact the light weights will miss my point, that doesn’t surprise me. What have my brain fluttering, are the people who think they understand what’s really going on; those are the people who really piss me off.

Gov. Scott Walker didn’t win because he spent far more money than his Democrat opponent, Gov. Scott Walker won because Republicans and Tea Partiers are far more passionate about what they believe in than Democrats. Republicans come to the battlefield armed with bombs, Democrats show up armed with spit balls.

What happened in Wisconsin is the reason I hope President Obama lose. Democrats and every liberal special interest group don’t deserve a man like President Obama. All of you cowards deserve Romney as a President. You complete fools think you got it bad now, wait until you see what Governors do state to state for the working class Americans.

It wouldn’t surprise me if some Governors try to re-enact slavery; especially with outright UNCLE TOM NIGGERS like Congressman Allen West (R-FL) saying any and everything to help the racist pigs.

I hope President Obama lose because Democrats have proved to me that they’re too ignorant, or too weak to thoroughly explain to people like ‘Joe The Plumber’ that President Obama’s policies would actually help him.

When Democrats rid themselves of ‘Blue Dog Democrats’, then perhaps real Democrats will show the enthusiasm they showed in 2008.

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