Thursday, April 17, 2014

GOP Encouraging Armed Citizens to Overthrow the Government

In the wake of Mr. Cliven Bundy refusal to pay grazing fees for his livestock to graze on government owned property, some Republicans are inciting armed citizens masquerading as militia to resort to violence if the government refuses to allow Mr. Bundy’s livestock to graze for free.

Here’s the amazing part about this craziness Republicans have brainwashed their shallow party members to buy into; Republicans are the main political party campaigning on no minimum wage, no extension of unemployment benefits, cutting funds for lunch in schools for those who can’t afford it (BLACK and WHITE), cutting funds for Food Stamps, etc. Now all of sudden these same complete incompetent fools are inciting ignorant hillbillies to take up arms against the first Black American President because a White millionaire farmer want welfare grazing rights from the government. I honestly hope I’m not the only one who see what’s happening.

All the Republican Presidential hopefuls believe clear thinking Americans can watch them go to Vegas, kiss the ass of a Billionaire and tell hard working Americans scratching out a living for their families; that they have the working class back. BULLSHIT!!!

I’ll end with this, I’m not perturbed because the racists pigs are acting this way; I sorta, kinda expected this mind set when Barack Obama became President, I just didn’t expect the haters to totally disrobe their camouflage.

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