The National Black Republican Association (NBRA) has a warning on their website stating, "Warning! A vote for Barack Obama is a vote for Socialism." They continued with a quote from Confucius, "an oppressive government is more to be feared than a tiger." In essence these people are saying under an Obama Presidency, Americans will be under Socialist rule and oppressed. Typical Republican scare tactics, seems as if the UNCLE TOMS learned well from their Republican masters.

This is Shelby Steele a prominent member of NBRA who is an author, columnist, documentary film maker, and a research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Mr. Steele specializes in the study of race relations, multiculturalism, and affirmative action. Although Mr. Steele benefited from affirmative action, now he feels it's time for Blacks to pull themselves up by their own boot-straps. Actually I agree with Mr. Steele in regards to Blacks pulling themselves up by their own boot-straps, I just disagree with the way Mr. Steele think Blacks should go about doing it.
One problem I have with Mr. Steele is that he think, from reading his writings Whites are actually victims of Blacks; and Whites should take care to protect themselves. Mr. Steele has used his wisdom and knowledge to break Blacks down into two categories, 'Bargainers and Challengers'. Mr. Steele writes, 'Bargainers' are people like Oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, and Sidney Portier strike a "bargain" with White America in which they say, I will not rub America's ugly history of racism in your face if you will not hold my race against me. 'Challengers' Mr. Steele writes, like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton "challenge" whites by charging them with inherent racism and then demand that they prove themselves innocent by supporting black-friendly policies like affirmative action and diversity.
I vehemently disagree with Mr. Steele's opinion of the intelligence and morality of both Blacks and Whites. Mr. Steele seems to think Blacks are perverse and dependent victims reduced to trading on their moral blackmail of Whites who are eager to be blackmailed in exchange for absolution. The main problem I have with Mr. Steele is his belief that Obama can't win, as depicted in his book titled, A Bound Man: Why We Are Excited About Obama And Why He Can't Win. I've given my opinion of Mr. Shelby Steele, I'll leave it up to the readers of Mr. Steele's book to voice their opinion.

This is Michael Steele a prominent member of NBRA who was the first African American to serve in a Maryland state-wide office and the first Republican Lieutenant Governor in the state since the position was created in 1970. At the time Michael Steele was the highest ranking elected African American Republican in the United States; it was rumored Michael Steele was being considered John McCain's running mate for the Presidency. I must admit I never thought I would be mentioning Michael Steele in this category until it was obvious Barack Obama would win the Democrat Primary for President. Mr. Steele went on Fox News and said some of the most vile things about Obama that I thought he didn't have in him; I was wrong.

This is Larry Elder a prominent member of NBRA a former lawyer who became a major figure of right wing talk radio in Los Angeles, CA. Basically Mr. Elder is a guy who people on Fox News like Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly invite on their shows when they want to trash Barack Obama. Mr. Elder wrote a book titled 'Stupid Black Men', proceeds from Mr. Elder book went to the Jewish World Review which is highly critical of Barack Obama. Mr. Elder has far too many flaws for me to try and list them here, I suggest readers of this blog visit Mr. Elder's website to get the full jest of this guy.

This is Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson a prominent member of NBRA who attacked the African American holiday Kwanzaa as a racist, pagan, Marxist holiday. Rev. Peterson said the founder of Kwanzaa, Maulana (Ron) Karenga is a racist who wants to get rid of GOD. Rev. Peterson is quoted as saying, "the United States has no need for Kwanzaa because we are a Christian nation, and we already believe in Christ." Rev. Peterson has said he believe if Barack Obama become President, he will push legislation for Kwanzaa to replace Christmas as a national holiday. What Rev. Peterson fail to say or just ignorant to the fact that Kwanzaa is merely a celebration of African heritage, and has nothing to do with attempting to replace Christmas or Christianity.
This is Star Parker a prominent member of NBRA who believe a Presidency under Obama will allow the clergy of Biblical conviction to be slandered by a salacious media that will swim in the sewer to destroy our Christian cause. What Ms. Parker forgot or refused to mention is that it was the clergy masquerading their Biblical convictions as Christians who were participating in acts that violated our children that real Christians trusted to be alone with our children.
Every person mentioned in this article can be googled and read for themselves about these people, and readers of this article can make their own opinion whether or not I've depicted these people fairly.
These tokens are purposely put on mainstream media to try and dehumanize their own people. It's disgrace but expected. They credit all their success to dedication and smart choices, which may be true to a point. However, selling their dignity will not feel good or pay off in the end. When their masters are done with them, they'll just throw them away like all of the previous house fellows. You can be celebrated and successful without degrading your people, especially on national news. Just guessing, but they probably donate more money to AIPAC than to any other cause. Aside from that, all of these so called African-American programs are nothing more than fronts that work against us. The history of the NAACP is depressing, who started it, who funds it, it's crazy. These guys make excellent candidates for the Boule, they may already have their membership cards.
These tokens are purposely put on mainstream media to try and dehumanize their own people. It's disgrace but expected. They credit all of their success to dedication and smart choices, which may be true to a point. However, selling their dignity will not feel good or pay off in the end. When their masters are done with them, they'll just throw them away like all of the previous house fellows. You can be celebrated and successful without degrading your people, especially on national news. Just guessing, but they probably donate more money to AIPAC than to any other cause. Aside from that, all of these so called African-American programs are nothing more than fronts that work against us. The history of the NAACP is depressing, who started it, who funds it, it's crazy. These guys make excellent candidates for the Boule, they may already have their membership cards.
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