Monday, September 8, 2008


It seems as if people who cling to their guns and religion view community organizers as jokes. Community organizers are the people who real politicians consult to find out what's really going on in the neighborhood they represent. I wonder do these clingers to guns and religion know that Jesus was a community organizer? Remember him, he was the guy who went around preaching the gospel trying to organize people to live a good life. Jesus the community organizer was the guy who preached to people to be kind and help those who have less than others.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a community organizer. Remember him, he was the guy who went around preaching the gospel trying to organize people to fight for their rights through peaceful means. But as newsreels from the sixties prove to us, people who clung to their guns and religion wasn't having any of that fighting for your rights by peaceful means stuff.

It makes you wonder when these so called Evangelical Christians spew out their hateful rhetoric, if they're just doing this Christianity thing just in case the stuff they read in the Bible, and what their Preachers tell them just might be true.

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